Practice metaphors by tapping into your creative side! What you need: Crayons, markers, or colored pencils How to prep: Simply print the pages. Directions: Draw the image that comes to mind when reading the metaphor sentences listed.Examples: My baby brother is a...
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Simile & Metaphor Jenga
This activity will help put an educational twist on family game night! What you need: JENGA set Scissors Laminator (optional) How to prep: Cut out the cards. Laminate the cards for durability (optional). Directions: Once the game is set out, each player should sit...
Non-Fiction Text Features Scavenger Hunt
Explore the various nonfiction text features found in this week’s literature selection. Learning Benchmarks: Post-Primary: The child understands and interprets the meanings and structures of texts, and work with, for instance, pictures, children’s literature, simple...
Making Connections Graphic Organizer
Good reader can take a narrative text and find ways to relate it to their lfie. Using this graphic organizer, draw or write to make connections between yourslef or the world and the text. Learning Benchmarks: Primary: The child effectively utilizes text comprehension...
Ice Cream Scoop Synonym Sort
Sort the synonym scoops into the correct bowl groupings. Learning Benchmarks: Post-Primary: The child understands the concept of synonyms and antonyms. Comprehensive: The child practices explaining, comparing, and reflecting on the meanings and hierarchies of words,...
Flipping Pancakes
Play “restaurant”, flipping the pancakes as you practice saying the letters, blends, diagraphs, or phonemes. Learning Benchmarks: Primary: The child understands the concepts of sound, letter, syllable, word, and sentence; The child recognizes and produces letters,...
German and French Translations
Use the language flashcards to explore new words in another language. Learning Benchmarks: Primary: The child observes different languages to create language awareness. *Note: WonderHere Learning Benchmarks are adopted from the Finnish Model and Benchmarks. Though...
Visualization Draw It Out
The author uses descriptive words to paint a picture in the reader’s mind of what is happening throughout the story 1. Grab a buddy or sibling and a parent. 2. Parent: Read a scene or paragraph aloud as the two players close their eyes. 3. Once the read aloud is...
Verb Tense Connect Four
Roll the dice. Whatever number you roll will determine if you’re looking for a sentence with a past, present, or future verb in it. cover the square with a token. Try to connect 5 squares in a row either horizontally, diagonally, or vertically. Play with a friend for...

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