Welcome to WonderHere Press!

More family togetherness starts here…

WonderHere was created by two teachers-turned-homeschool moms with a passion to create space for learning to be meaningful, rich, and enjoyed. Borrowing the best of world-renowned educational models such as Montessori, Finland, and Reggio-Emilia, WonderHere content and curriculum brings a balanced, yet researched approach to homeschooling journey. Our mission is bring the family together by decreasing stress and increasing FUN!

Our WONDER-Inspiring Family Strategy

No matter your homeschool style, we are all looking for ways to introduce more wonder and joy into the lives of our children, make genuine connections with them, and create lasting memories together. With these 7 Learning Elements, you can inspire wonder that grows into learning, joy, and meaningful family time moment by moment, again and again.

How to engage with our curriculum

How do we put this family strategy into action? Through our play-and-project-based Unit Studies, our Culture Anthologies, and our Curriculum Membership Community! These curricular options are designed to meet the needs of our diverse family audience, which means you are sure to find an option that fits your needs. Click below to start your wondrous journey!