Curriculum Membership
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Your curriculum hunt ends here.
How do we know? Well, because we hunted, too. We searched high and low for curriculum that was:
play-based (keeping fun at the center)
project-driven (giving kids autonomy over what they learn)
family-style (so all ages can learn together)
thematic vs. subject-driven (multiple subjects under one theme)
relevant to the real world (to confidently answer the question When will I use this in every day life?!)
and simply highlighted the wonder of this world.
And, lo and behold, we could not find a singular curriculum that met this criteria.
So… we decided to create it!
WonderHere Press was created by two public-school-teachers turned microschool-founders turned homeschool-moms with a passion to create space for learning to be meaningful, rich, and enjoyed. Borrowing the best of world-renowned educational models such as Montessori, Finland, and Reggio-Emilia, WonderHere Family-Style Curriculum™ brings a researched approach to modern-day learning.

Monthly Unit Studies
Play-and-project-based Unit Studies for the whole family! Learn science and history concepts through hands-on learning that promotes family-togetherness. These Unit Studies provide the perfect mix of fun and routine that will keep learning exciting for the child and also stress-free for the parent. Every Unit Study is thematic according to its over-arching science or history concept, and every activity and learning routine will tie back to that theme.
Here’s what you can find in EVERY Unit Study:
A full materials list broken up by week, Weekly Literature, Weekly Nature Journaling activity, Weekly Invitations to Play and Create, Weekly guidance with Project-Based Learning, Unit Composer Study, Unit Empathy Experience, and more!
PLUS, every Unit Study comes with the accompanying resources…

Math Projects
Remember that snippet about us hunting for curriculum that was relevant to the real world? Well, speaking from many years of teaching experience, there is no subject that seems less relevant to kids than math. And we have set out to change that! Enter: Math Projects! We have designed a real-world-applicable, hands-on math project for each and every Unit Study you will experience.
Electricity Unit Study? → Meet Electri-CITY Math Project, where your child will use math to power up an entire city.
Ancient Civilizations Unit Study? → Meet Ancient Arithmetic Math Project, where your child will use ancient math forms to solve tough problems.
Rocks & Minerals Unit Study? → Meet Paleontologist Problem Solvers Math Project, where your child will use math to dig up some pretty cool fossils.
Geography Unit Study? → Meet Road Trip USA Math Project, where your child will use math to travel the nation… budgeting, planning and itinerary, and using a map!
The list goes on! Best of all, each Math project has different levels to meet the learning needs of elementary children… so all your children can tackle the project together!

Novel Studies
In line with our philosophy of making learning cross-curricular (a fancy term meaning “all subjects taught under one theme”) and family-style, we have decided to develop Novel Studies to accompany our Unit Studies, too! The basis behind our Novel Studies is simple yet powerful: let’s take a rich, meaningful novel based on the theme of the Unit Study and create language arts lessons and correlating activities that will help children learn grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing… all the while learning more about the topic of the Unit Study!
Economics Unit Study? → Meet The Hundred Dresses Novel Study
Indigenous Peoples’ Unit Study? → Meet Eagle Drums Novel Study
Force & Motion Unit Study? → Meet The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind Novel Study
Note: WonderHere Novel Studies are currently in Beta Test Mode. As of now, each Unit Study will have an accompanying Novel Study for ONE specific grade level: Primary (pre-readers), Post-Primary (emerging readers), OR Comprehensive (proficient readers). As we use the novel studies in our co-ops and classes and receive feedback, we will expand this offering!
So, stay tuned!
Learning Library
Enhance your family’s learning experience with a library of over 250 games, activities, and resources! Enjoy games like:
- Similes & Metaphors JENGA
- Contractions Dominoes
- Context Clues BINGO
- Beginning Sounds Clip Cards
- Reading for Fun Tic Tac Toe
- Root Words Go Fish
- Name That Verb
- and much more!
Based on Finnish Benchmarks and expertly designed by experienced educators, these resources will help to elevate your child’s skills and understanding, while keeping fun and family at the center.
Best of all, this Learning Library makes resources easy to access and filter according to your children’s ages, interest, and learning needs. Let us help make your homeschooling as stress-free as possible.
Whether you’ve been homeschooling for ten years or this is your first year, one thing is true: you are committed to being a life long learner! Homeschooling (and, let’s be honest, parenting as a whole) is not a one-size-fits-all experience. What works for one child or season of life may not work for another. Life long learners are flexible, adaptable, problem solvers… and we are here to help you along the twist and turns of your homeschool journey! The courses made exclusively available to the WonderHere Curriculum Members will cover topics like:
- WonderHere Learning Elements (7 ingredients to the WonderHere Method)
- No Such Thing as Behind (dispelling the myth of kids being “on track”)
- Homeschool with Wonder – COMING SOON!
- Project Time with a Purpose – COMING SOON!
- PLUS, we are ALWAYS open to suggestions on what topics you’d like more support in!
So, what are you waiting for? Join today!
Existing Member? Log in HERE!
WonderHere Curriculum Membership
Get instant access to:
- Monthly digital Unit Studies
- Accompanying Math Projects
- Accompanying Novel Studies
- Option to print your Unit Studies at an additional cost each month
- Learning Library of 250+ resources
- Courses to help you along in your homeschooling
- Our support!
All for just $12.99 a month for the whole family!
Give as a gift
What current members are saying:
WonderHere’s new Curriculum Membership is amazing! Everything you need as a homeschooling parent is at your fingertips. No need to overthink what to teach your kiddos this year;
WonderHere’s wide variety of Unit Studies makes it a breeze.
The new WonderHere Curriculum Membership is so easy to use. You can quickly find the monthly Unit to download and just below that section you will find all the accompanying resources you need to go along with the monthly unit in a very organized fashion. The page is designed beautifully! The fonts, amount of text, and images are just right, so you get the info that you need all on one page.
The new Curriculum Membership is amazing! It is so simple to navigate and download or print the upcoming unit studies. My favorite feature on this platform is the Learning Library and having access to so many activities organized by my child’s level or the particular subject matter I am wanting to implement!
WonderHere Press does not issue refunds of Curriculum Membership payments. You are free to cancel your membership at anytime via the dashboard.

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