The Human Body is an incredible machine! Explore the Wonders of the human Body with this WonderHere Anatomy mini unit. These are a few of the Invitations to play & Create that teach different systems of the body!

Digestive System Simulation:
This experiment is a lot of fun and something no one will forget anytime soon. Before starting, explain the parts of digestive system. This experiment demonstrates how it all works together to digest our food.
Supplies for this activity:
• Bowl (mouth)
• Scissors (incisors)
• Dixie cup (molars)
• Water (saliva)
• 1 quart Ziplock (stomach)
• Vinegar (stomach acid)
• Clear tube (esophagus)
• 1 leg of panty hose (intestine)
• Banana
• Slice of bread
• Place place banana and bread in bowl (mouth)
• Use scissors (incisors) to cut up
• Use Dixie cup (molars) to mash together
• Splash some water (saliva) turn into paste, keep smashing with the molars
• Spoon bread, banana paste into clear plastic tube (esophagus) get it down the pipe into the zip lock bag (stomach)
• Keep mashing, add a few drops of vinegar (stomach acid) to the bag try not to make it too watery if you do just add more bread
• Spoon into pantyhose, squeeze mixture through the pantyhose the liquid that comes out are the “nutrients”
• Squeeze the mixture out the other end of the pantyhose… There’s the Poop! Everyone’s face at this moment is Priceless!

Edible DNA: Science you can eat!
DNA is fascinating, and a pretty advanced topic, but this activity is a great way to make it memorable. There are some simple facts about DNA you can share with kids of all ages. When I did this activity with my class we talked about how our DNA makes us unique.
Supplies for this activity:
• Twizzlers
• Toothpicks
• Marsh mellows

• Push marshmallows (nucleotides) through the toothpicks
• Attach the ends of the toothpicks to the twizzlers (backbone of sugars and phosphates) in a ladder shape
• Twist into a double Helix DNA
• All that’s left is to Eat it!

Beat the clock Game!
The is game demonstrates what an amazing heart the muscle is. The kids in my class loved it and really got the point across!
The heart pumps 1.3 gallons of blood per minute and each heartbeat is pumping 2.4 oz or about 1/4 cup.
Supplies for this activity
• 2 large containers
• 1 gallon of water
• Timer
• ¼ measuring cup

• Fill one bucket with a gallon of water (1.3 if you want to be exact)
• Place an empty container next to it
• Set a timer for 1min
• Use a 1/4 measuring cup to transfer the water to the empty container as quick as you can until the minute ends.
My students discovered it was ridiculously hard to “beat” their heart. They were also eager to try again!