
Boo! Card Game

Boo! Card Game

Objective: To practice oo vowel team words; To be the player with the most cards at the end of the game. 1. Shuffle the cards and place them face down. 2. Each player takes a turn choosing a card from the top of the pile and reading it. If they read it right, they get...

Reading Playbook B

Reading Playbook B

We are so glad you have our Reading Playbook in your hands and anticipate all of the fun that is to come as you slowly and steadily teach your child to read. We cannot wait for you to assume your rightful spot, front and center, as your child begins to see the art of...

Reading Playbook A

Reading Playbook A

We are so glad you have our Reading Playbook in your hands and anticipate all of the fun that is to come as you slowly and steadily teach your child to read. We cannot wait for you to assume your rightful spot, front and center, as your child begins to see the art of...

Beginning, Middle, End Digraph Clip Cards

Beginning, Middle, End Digraph Clip Cards

Objective: To identify whether the sound of the digraph on the card is at the beginning, middle, or end or the word. 1. Say the name of the picture. 2. Look at the digraph in the bottom righthand corner. 3. Decide if the letters shows the beginning, middle, or ending...

Story Starter Dice

Story Starter Dice

Objective: To build a story using the pictures on the dice for inspiration. 1. Each person takes a turn rolling a die. Use the picture that you roll to begin or to add on to the story. 2. Try to continue until the story has a beginning, a middle, and an...

Multiple Meanings Match

Multiple Meanings Match

Cut out the task cards on the following pages. Decipher the clue of each vocabulary word in order to match the homonyms.Learning Benchmarks: Post-Primary: The child practices explaining, comparing, and reflecting on the meanings and hierarchies of words. ...

Assess and Communicate Your Love for Reading

Assess and Communicate Your Love for Reading

Learning Benchmarks: Primary: The child reads and listens to a variety of texts and actively participates in a group discussion regarding text. Post-Primary: The child observes and accurately assesses their own reading skills.  Comprehensive: The child observes and...

Syllable Slap!

Syllable Slap!

A syllable is a noun used to describe a unit of pronunciation that contains one vowel sound forming a part or a whole word. Using these Syllable Slap! Cards, play this game to practive identifying and reading multisyllabic words. Turn two cards over at a tie, and slap...

Open/Closed Syllable Sorting Cards

Open/Closed Syllable Sorting Cards

Learning Benchmarks: Primary: The child understands the concepts of sound, letter, syllable, word, and sentence. Post-Primary: The child shows proficiency with reading and practices the necessary concepts of sound, letter, syllable, word, sentence, terminal...