Writing Activity

Tweet a Summary

Tweet a Summary

1. After reading the selected text, write a summary that is 280 characters or less (a letter, symbol, and even a space counts as a letter!). 2. If you’re having a hard time staying under the character limit, remember that summaries include only the most important...

Making Inferences with Photographs

Making Inferences with Photographs

1. Observe the photo closely. 2. Write any observation that comes to mind in the margins (white space around the photo). Remember, observations are just what you see. 3. Choose what you think are the most important observations to write down in the “My Observations”...

Synonyms in Writing

Synonyms in Writing

Sometimes we can improve our writing by using more precise and colorful words. Synonyms help us do that! 1. Choose an old writing task you completed from your Student Workbook (could be this unit or a past unit). 2. Reread your writing and circle 5 words you want to...

Simile Acrostic Poem

Simile Acrostic Poem

1. Write each letter of your first name vertically on the teal lines, like this:  JO N 2. Write a simile next to each letter describing yourself. The simile must contain one word beginning with that letter. Remember, similes contain comparison words like “as” or...

Metaphor and Simile Walkabout

Metaphor and Simile Walkabout

1. Walk about your house and look for something to describe using a simile or a metaphor. 2. Draw a picture of the object (or person). 3. Write a simile or metaphor underneath on the lines. Circle the thing you are describing. 4. Check off whether your sentence is a...

Looking for Labels in Daily Life

Looking for Labels in Daily Life

Labels are an essential part of daily life. They give information, warnings ingredients, instructions, etc. For this activity, you will use text markings to mark household labels. 1. Print the 8 text marking boxes. 2. The boxes have the sentence stem for you. Add a...

Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer

Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer

1. Choose two books to read (or reread) for this activity. Choose books that are different, but you can tell have some similarities. 2. Write the titles in the red circles. 3. Write the differences between the two books in the blue circles. Write the similarities in...

Heading Generator

Heading Generator

1. Read these paragraph excerpts from the book Cracking the Code: Women Who Have Changed the Way We Look at Computers by Alisha Sadikot. 2. Summarize the paragraph by coming up with a heading to describe what the paragraph is going to be about. Remember, a heading is...

Hands of Empathy

Hands of Empathy

1. Choose a book (or books) about diversity and differences. 2. Cut out the hands and the boxes (on the dotted lines). 3. While reading, write down something new you learned or understood about someone different than you because of the text. Write your notes in each...