Identify the characters, setting, problem, and solution of any favorite fiction text! Learning Benchmarks: Primary: The child effectively utilizes text comprehension strategies. Post-Primary: The child effectively utilizes text comprehension strategies....
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Proper & Common Noun Spoons
Check out this fast-paced, competitive game that will help your children tell the difference between common and proper nouns. Players: 4-8 Objective: To become the first player with 4 matching spoons. Choose if you want to use the Beginner Level sets or the Advanced...
Roll & Retell
A good marker for understanding what you read is the ability to retell a story in your own words. The best part? Children can use play to practice story retelling. This skill also lays an important foundation for telling their own original stories. So grab a pair of...
Making Connections Graphic Organizer
Good reader can take a narrative text and find ways to relate it to their lfie. Using this graphic organizer, draw or write to make connections between yourslef or the world and the text. Learning Benchmarks: Primary: The child effectively utilizes text comprehension...
Flipping Pancakes
Play “restaurant”, flipping the pancakes as you practice saying the letters, blends, diagraphs, or phonemes. Learning Benchmarks: Primary: The child understands the concepts of sound, letter, syllable, word, and sentence; The child recognizes and produces letters,...
German and French Translations
Use the language flashcards to explore new words in another language. Learning Benchmarks: Primary: The child observes different languages to create language awareness. *Note: WonderHere Learning Benchmarks are adopted from the Finnish Model and Benchmarks. Though...
Sight Word Cards
Use these sight word cards to play fun games, including: • Memory • Word Walk • Watercolor Magic • Scribble Bag • Sand Tray • Cup Crash • Hidden Toy • Sight Word Slam Learning Benchmarks: Primary: The child shows proficiency with reading. *Note: WonderHere Learning...
My Pocket Dictionary
Personal dictionaries are a way for your child to become a collector of words. Under every letter of the alphabet there is space to write. The child can write words they already know – like his name, Daddy, Mom, etc. They can also write words as they hear them....
Imagery Walk
Using this Imagery Chart, take an Imagery Walk around the house, the backyard, or the neighborhood and write down what your experience with your five senses. Learning Benchmarks: Primary: The child clearly describes their own experiences, observations, and thoughts...

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