Blog Posts

Educational Benefits of Nature

Statistics regarding outside time for children are quite surprising. Kids today spend an average of 4 hours per week outside, and of those 4 hours only 4-7 minutes are spent on unstructured playtime. This is compared to the 7 hours per day kids are spending on...

Our Favorite Homeschool Things

As a homeschooling parent, whether new or old (basically any parent at all), I know one thing is for sure... you have an abundance of STUFF. Lots and LOTS of stuff. And somehow, with each new school year, just like a national holiday, you seem to crazily collect and...

Want to Take a Stand Against Racism? Start at Home.

As parents, we dream BIG dreams for our children. We hope that they will grow to live the fullest, biggest, most beautiful lives that they can. We pray that these bright, brave, and kind children will grow to become bright, brave, and kind adults. And we want them to...

Word Games (Part 2)

Catch a Context Clue This game is fabulous for children to practice using context clues to figure out the meaning of a word! Children will read a sentence that has a word underlined. They will have to find the meaning of the underlined word by using the clues that are...

Games for Learning to Read

Isn’t it incredible how many of us probably don’t remember how we learned to read, yet reading is such an integral part of our lives as adults? You know who probably DOES remember?… our parents and teachers! Teaching a child to read can either be a stress-inducing...

Learning Figures of Speech through ART!

I am no artist (seriously, I’ve tried… not my chosen path in life)… but I LOVE integrating art into learning. Maybe it’s because I’ve had some fantastically talented artists as students, who were so turned off to academics because they didn’t feel they were good at...

Encouraging Early Literacy in the Real World

If you’ve ever enrolled your child in a WonderHere class or program, have used our curriculum, or have simply heard us talk about our educational beliefs… then you know how passionate we are about fun, hands-on, relevant learning. We wholeheartedly believe that if you...

HazMAT(h) Project- Connecting Math to the Real World

“Real learning connotates use. If something is not going to be used or applied in some manner, it won’t get learned”-William Reinsmith. Did you know… making the content of what children are learning relevant and meaningful increases the chance that what they are...

Stay in Community with Encouraging Dads & Moms ZOOM Calls!

Join WonderHere Dad, John Midura, on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM to connect with other fathers via ZOOM calls! John will be hosting this weekly conversation as an opportunity for dads to discuss this "new normal", share how they are doing with parenting and establishing...