Blog Posts

The Beauty of “Yes”

What a week it’s been! Are you sure it is only Wednesday?? Well, I wanted to take a break from the virus news- the sample schedules for your days, the ideas of activities to do with your children, all the how-to make time pass suggestions, and so much more (but...

Project-Time • What Makes WonderHere Different

WonderHere is ALL ABOUT Phenomena-Based Learning (PBL - also known as "project-based learning") and I am so excited to share with you what exactly this means and how we make it happen on the daily through our curriculum and in our classes! As your child’s interests...

Parenting a Difficult Child

I have a confession to make. I, myself, was a difficult child. I know, I know… for those of you who know me now as an adult, you are completely SHOCKED! (Well… those of you who TRULY know me really well may actually NOT be shocked ;)… Either way, it is true. I was...

Nature · What Makes WonderHere Different

Nature was in the beginning and nature is a constant that provides us as people with nourishment, a sense of depth and vastness, and an abounding beauty that encircles us. It only makes sense that, while educating our children, nature takes center stage and is a part...

Moms, You Need A Time-Out!

Moms, You Need A Time-Out! If you are anything like me, you are running on next to nothing day-by-day. It’s only mid-week, but it feels like the Monday-est, Monday of all weeks. So many diapers and potty-training accidents. So many nights of interrupted sleep. Soooo...


Intentionality... the fact of being deliberate or purposive or the determination to act in a certain way. A few synonyms for this word are purposeful, intended, knowing, and conscious. Instead of having a New Year’s resolution at the beginning of the year, I choose a...

5 Tips on Infusing Your Day With Play

Whether I'm talking about my almost two-year-old son, or the 4-14 year old students who take classes in our studio, or the children who use our curriculum, play is always on the forefront of my mind. Play is the stuff that childhood is made of. We say that if wonder...

A Letter to Homeschool Moms & Dads

You wear many hats. Mom. Dad. Sibling-Referee. Bus-Driver. Entertainer. Chef. Night-Time Wrangler. Housekeeper. So many hats. But here you are, smiling (perhaps nervously or with naïve (or knowing) excitement), to take on one more still. Teacher. People shake their...

Favorite Thing #3: A Curriculum That You Can Believe In

Let me introduce to you the curriculum you’ve been waiting for! Unlike any other program out there, WonderHere’s Family-Style Curriculum invites your children between grades Kindergarten-5th grade to gather around the same table, to discover and explore beautifully...