Blog Posts

Two Thousand Seventeen

If you are anything like me, you cannot believe that 2017 is right in front of us... it is shocking! Many people use this time to set goals or resolutions for themselves for the year ahead, and others like to list out things that you did this past year that you want...


We haven’t had the chance to sit down and write a blog in quite some time. We have been busy bees working in our studio, connecting with parents, building community, and developing curriculum... making our learning space just right for each and every one who enters...

Trading in Praise for Encouragement

I believe one of the most beneficial things I learned while teaching at a Montessori school was the art of encouraging students and the most effective way to do so. As a parent or teacher we have a very important role in the lives our children. A role that includes...

From the Heart of a Mom

WonderHere Friends! Another week, another blog post 🙂 We've been blogging pretty consistently since the beginning... ever since WonderHere was simply an idea shared between two friends on a couch, nearly a year ago! Back then, all we could do is blog! Each week, we'd...

WonderHere’s ONE Month-iversary & New Classes!

WonderHere Friends! I can hardly believe it's been exactly ONE month since we officially opened our doors for our first school year. This has been such an incredible month of learning, growing, and creating for all of us. Tiffany and I, as teachers and newly-minted...

Global Mindedness at WonderHere

At WonderHere, we are not just about academics. We are a trio of teachers without borders and believe in the great power of nurturing that same fence-less, border-less way of life and loving-others heartbeat within each student who learns among us at WonderHere. We...

A Successful First Week!

WonderHere Friends! We've just about made it to the end of our first week of school at WonderHere! I cannot believe that all these months of planning and preparing have led to this, our reason for existing... to be this awesome place that makes kids obsessed with...

More Than a School…

Read our Q&A with an experienced Homeschool Mom about the ins and outs of the Home Education Program... Many families have inquired about WonderHere. On a regular basis we tackle the question… are you a school? And we respond by saying, no… WonderHere is not a...

Bricks 4 Kidz at WonderHere!

Check out one of WonderHere’s favorite Lakeland-Based companies as they help us celebrate our Grand Opening “BLOCK” Party THIS Saturday, July 30th 11 AM – 3 PM! Have you heard about Bricks 4 Kidz? If you haven’t and you have kids, you have no idea what you’ve been...