
Catch a Context Clue

Catch a Context Clue

1. Crumple up the task cards into balls and place them in a basket. 2. Have a family member launch the basket towards you all at once. 3. Catch as many of the balls as you can! 4. Open up and answer all the ones that you caught out loud. 5. Once you have finished...

All About Alliterations

All About Alliterations

1. Choose one letter and one number at a time. 2.Make an alliteration using the number you chose as the amount of times you must use the letter you chose as the first letter of most of your words. For Example: I pulled the letter Y and the number 4. The young, yellow...

Boo! Card Game

Boo! Card Game

Objective: To practice oo vowel team words; To be the player with the most cards at the end of the game. 1. Shuffle the cards and place them face down. 2. Each player takes a turn choosing a card from the top of the pile and reading it. If they read it right, they get...

Reading Playbook B

Reading Playbook B

We are so glad you have our Reading Playbook in your hands and anticipate all of the fun that is to come as you slowly and steadily teach your child to read. We cannot wait for you to assume your rightful spot, front and center, as your child begins to see the art of...

Reading Playbook A

Reading Playbook A

We are so glad you have our Reading Playbook in your hands and anticipate all of the fun that is to come as you slowly and steadily teach your child to read. We cannot wait for you to assume your rightful spot, front and center, as your child begins to see the art of...

Thick and Thin Questions Bookmarks

Thick and Thin Questions Bookmarks

Asking and answering your own questions is one of the most important things you’ll do as a reader! 1. Use this bookmark to remind you about the kind of questions you can ask while you read. 2. When a question pops up in your mind, write it down on a mini sticky note...

Assess and Communicate Your Love for Reading

Assess and Communicate Your Love for Reading

Learning Benchmarks: Primary: The child reads and listens to a variety of texts and actively participates in a group discussion regarding text. Post-Primary: The child observes and accurately assesses their own reading skills.  Comprehensive: The child observes and...

Visualization Sketches

Visualization Sketches

1. Pick a page or paragraph of your weekly text or your favorite book to read closely. 2. In the “what I read in the book” section, write a short summary of what you read. 3. Take a moment to visualize what you read, and draw a colorful sketch in the “what I...

Reading Connections Organizer

Reading Connections Organizer

After reading a fiction book of choice, reflect on the reading by completing the Text-to-Self, Text-to-Text, and Text-to-World Organizers.Learning Benchmarks: Primary: The child effectively utilizes text comprehension strategies. Post-Primary: The child understands...