Personal dictionaries are a way for your child to become a collector of words. Under every letter of the alphabet there is space to write. The child can write words they already know – like his name, Daddy, Mom, etc. They can also write words as they hear them....
Grammar & Vocabulary
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Greek and Latin Match Up
Match the cards together with the correct word part, meaning, and word example. Write your answers on the recording sheet. Learning Benchmarks: Post-Primary: The child practices explaining, comparing, and reflecting on the meanings and hierarchies of words....
Reaching for Root Words
Option 1: Print the tree once and laminate or place in a sheet protector. Use an expo marker to erase and reuse the tree each time you complete a root word. Option 2: Print out the tree multiple times. Choose at least 5 root words. For each root word, create as many...
Synonyms and Antonyms Spoons
Objective: To become the 1st player with two sets of matching pairs. 1. Players sit in a circle with 3 spoons in the middle. 2. Shuffle the deck and deal 4 cards to each player. 3. Players simultaneously pass a card they do not want to the player on their left. 4....
Root Words Mat
1. Use the cards to build words, placing them on the mat. 2.Decipher the meaning by matching the Meaning strip underneath. 3. Use the Answer Key to check your work. Tip: An easy way to save on printing is to write the prefixes, roots/bases, and suffixes on sticky...
Reading Playbook B
We are so glad you have our Reading Playbook in your hands and anticipate all of the fun that is to come as you slowly and steadily teach your child to read. We cannot wait for you to assume your rightful spot, front and center, as your child begins to see the art of...
Reading Playbook A
We are so glad you have our Reading Playbook in your hands and anticipate all of the fun that is to come as you slowly and steadily teach your child to read. We cannot wait for you to assume your rightful spot, front and center, as your child begins to see the art of...
Oxymoron Doodles
Oxymorons can be a rather abstract concept, so extra adult assistance may be needed for this activity. Draw a colorful doodle for each oxymoron listed. Your doodle can be (and probably will be) humorous! While letting your child struggle a bit and tap into their...
Dialogue Task Cards
1. Choose a card and read the scenario. 2. Write down the card number on the recording sheet. 3. Keeping the scenario in mind, write a paragraph of dialogue between the two characters. Make sure the dialogue is on topic and reflects the mood. 4. Repeat for all 8...

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