Statistics regarding outside time for children are quite surprising. Kids today spend an average of 4 hours per week outside, and of those 4 hours only 4-7 minutes are spent on unstructured playtime. This is compared to the 7 hours per day kids are spending on screens! Today we are going to talk about the benefits of being in nature for kids and ideas for your nature time!

Nature play has great benefits for kids, not only for their physical development but for their cognitive as well! Studies agree that kids who spend time outside are happier, have less anxiety, are more creative, are better problem solvers, and have better focus and attention spans! These are huge benefits! Not to mention the benefits of physical fitness and better eyesight!

A great thing about nature play is that it is accessible to everyone because nature is everywhere! Nature is the perfectly balanced sensory experience: smelling, feeling, hearing sounds, activating the senses! Senses are engaged but not overwhelmed. Kids increase their confidence by taking risks and feel empowered by making choices. Nature is scaffolded for all ages and abilities. When an adult is watching but not interfering, kids learn to mitigate risk. Letting them figure it out on their own is a great way to build problem solving and confidence.

You may be thinking, that sounds great but I don’t live near nature, what can I do? The wonderful thing about nature is it can happen anywhere! From a potted plant, a front or back yard, bugs, birds, squirrels all count! Make it a priority to be outside. Make it part of your routine! Start small! Maybe your kids need ideas for how to spend their time outside. Nature journaling, nature water coloring, scavenger hunts, simply taking a walk to notice and observe are great ideas! Sit down outside and just NOTICE! The more time your kids spend outside, the more they will want to. Hope to see you out there! See attachment below for some nature journaling prompts!