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American History Unit Study

(plus 40% off the the Black Culture Anthology for Members!)

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” — Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln’s words remind us that we have the power to shape history, both as individuals and as a society. American history is filled with people who saw possibilities and worked tirelessly to create change… and that is exactly what we will be studying over the next six weeks.

The WonderHere American History Unit Study will take your family on a journey through the following topics: the Indigenous People, European Exploration, the American Revolution, Slavery & the Civil War, The Great Depression, and Modern Day & Current Events.

Throughout this Unit Study, we will learn about the world through the familiar lenses of the WonderHere Learning Elements: play, creativity, research, music, nature, literature, and more.

Let’s get to wondering!

This World War MATH project will have your child learning math skills through the lens of major wars, including: The Revolutionary War, The War of 1812, Mexican American War, American Civil War, Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, The Gulf War, and Operation Enduring Freedom.

The will explore math through timelines, elapsed time, word problems, shapes and measurement, coordinate planes, budgets, and more. This math projects is differentiated for levels Primary (grades K-1), Post-Primary (grades 2-3), and Comprehensive (grades 4-6).

“Under the cover of night, twelve-year-old Homer flees Southerland Plantation with his little sister Ada, unwillingly leaving their beloved mother behind. Much as he adores her and fears for her life, Homer knows there’s no turning back, not with the overseer on their trail.

Through tangled vines, secret doorways, and over a sky bridge, the two find as secret community called Freewater, deep in the swamp. In this society created by formerly enslaved people and some freeborn children, Homer finds new friends, almost forgetting where he came from.”

Upcoming Unit Studies


  • Aug ‘24: Indigenous Peoples Unit Study
  • Sept ‘24: Force & Motion Unit Study
  • Oct ‘24: Fall Mini Unit Study
  • Nov ‘24: Plants & Animals Unit Study
  • Dec ‘24: Winter Mini Unit Study
  • Jan ’25: Continents & Cultures Unit Study
  • Feb ‘25: American History Unit Study
  • Mar ‘25: Spring Mini Unit Study
  • Apr ‘25: Anatomy Pt. 1 Unit Study
  • May ‘25: Anatomy Pt. 2 Unit Study

40% off for members!

Black Culture Anthology

This Black Culture Anthology is for YOU . . . whether you are black, white, brown, or anything else. There is room for you at this table and you are invited into the conversation. Our aim, through this Anthology, is that your family grows in cultural-awareness as you focus on all the beauty and wonder within Black culture and other cultures, as we continue to develop this series of curriculum to celebrate cultures around the world. Through this Anthology, make memories as a family that will connect you to one another and to others different from and similar to you; build a bridge into our shared history and windows into others.

Enjoy expertly written articles, invitations to create, recipe shares, research challenges, opportunities for intentional reflection, poetry study, and more!

Curriculum Members receive 40% off! Check your email for coupon code.