This mom waited to sign her kids up for WonderHere’s summer camps, and now the spots are all filled up! What was she thinking?

stressed mom

This mom read this blog and smiled because now she has the perfect summer remedy for the School’s-Out-For-The-Summer Mommy-Blues, and her kids have a few weeks of FUN learning planned just for them at our neighborhood Learn & Play Studio!

relaxed mom

You haven’t signed up for summer camps yet?? Say, what?!

Now as a reminder: Each camp is one week long and the times are 8 AM – 5PM for a startling $75/week (yes… you read that correctly!)

Okay now that I’ve got you on a hook, I will begin! Last week’s post let you take a sneak peek into 4 of our 12 spectacular weeks of summer camp with WonderHere, so in this post we are going to open our studio doors so you can learn more about the next 4 camps on the calendar.

July 11th- 15th

Chopped: Jr.
Designed for the young chef in your kitchen at home! We will take basic math skills to create delicious concoctions sure to delight our little tummies! Your kids will have so much fun stirring, dicing (with teacher assistance), mixing, and measuring their way into the stomachs of our judges with daily cooking challenges and recipes to try! When this camp is over, your child will come home with an arsenal of tasty treats to make you that don’t require an oven or stove OR mommy help! If your kid likes to cook, experiment with flavors, or even if they just like to EAT… this camp is for them!

The Price is Write
There is a story yet to be written and a song yet to be sung… during this dreamy week of camp, your kids will explore the art of the written language and get their own pens and pencils into action! We will study all genres of writing from poetry from songs to short story to autobiography. Our campers will tap into their creative side while painting pictures with words and establishing themselves as the wonderful writer we know that they can be! By the end of the week, each camper will have a compilation of work that shows off their voice and style of writing while proving to us once and for all that they have something to say and we should listen… and read it!

July 18th – 22nd

Real World: Math
I am super excited about this camp! It is going to be a BLAST! Where shopping meets racing-the-clock meets cooking and mixing things meets MATH… this camp takes making learning fun again to THE NEXT LEVEL!!! Each day students will be met with real world problem solving opportunities for them to solve with their camp friends and see that math is really all around us! At this camp, kids will fall in love with simple equations, tap into the basics, and improve their skills in concepts like addition, subtraction, money, telling time, measurement, simple fractions, and geometry! Math isn’t just on a worksheet and it is not reserved solely for tests… we use math everyday, and practical math skills help kids to get more engaged in math and see the value of it come to life! 

Survivor: S.T.E.M
Now if you enjoy reality, you know this show well, and you know it is full of intense challenges and lots of teamwork! Well, our camp is going to take those concepts and put our own WonderHere FUN learning twist on them. Our campers will enjoy
Science Technology Engineering (building) and Mathematical challenges that could ultimately earn them the illustrious tribal victory! The kids will sweat, construct, contemplate, and discover new ways to solve problems like… finding Shelter in difficult terrain, or getting water to the shelter with limited resources… They will be having so much fun this week, they won’t even realize they are stretching those neurons!

So, if you still haven’t signed your child up for summer camps with us… what are you waiting for? 🙂 What better way to say “I love you!” then by unloading them onto our staff of dedicated FUN and highly qualified certified educators for a week… or 4 😉

Keep your eyes peeled for the final part of this mini blog series where you are given insight into the last 2 weeks of our summer camps. Those camps come at the perfect time for families… your family vacations have been had and your kids are slowly driving you insane, because they have been out of school wayyy too long… and the end of summer is on the horizon. Here to help your kids finish their summer with a bang and help you to make it “just a couple more days” until you’re home free… WonderHere presents a few final learning camps to save the day! They have cute and catchy names, but they are full of authentic learning opportunities to both challenge and inspire even the most reluctant little learner. This blog is coming soon!

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