One of the phrases floating around in education is a “print rich environment”. If you are not familiar with this term, we would love to explain it to you! A print rich environment is a place where children are able to look around them and see different forms of print and recognize that it carries meaning. Creating a print rich environment involves intentionally providing opportunities for children to experience these forms of print! In order for the child to recognize that the print carries meaning, an adult would need to point out and use the print in everyday life. Using print is very beneficial to encouraging early literacy skills and fostering interest needed for reading someday.

You will find that pointing out and reading different forms of print is fairly easy when you are driving around because our world is full of printed words in forms of signs and objects. Inside your home, however, can be a little more challenging. So, I have come up with some ideas that I have implemented and some I would like to use in my own home and classroom. Here are some easy ideas for you to implement in your space!

  1. Have beautiful books with large print displayed at a child’s eye level. When books are age appropriate, have creative illustrations, and words that are easy to see from a distance, they are much more likely to be picked up and looked through. Having them at the child’s height is also important for encouraging independent browsing. Here is an example of a front facing book display.
  2. Label. All. The. Things. If you are really wanting to learn a foriegn language, many teachers recommend labeling everything in your house in that language. It’s no different for children! In a sense, they are learning a new language. They are learning that the words that we speak can also be read! Start off with the things they use on a daily basis like toys, the bathroom, their bedroom and then go from there! I love these labels from Etsy!
  3. A beautiful, eye catching alphabet display at child’s eye level. There are many options out there, but I always prefer soft colors to bright bold ones so not to overstimulate children. Here is a unique one that can be used for older children as well. The pictures are gorgeous and different from any other alphabet print I have seen! Check it out!
  4. Wall decor that promotes language learning. As a child I remember being read nursery rhymes in school and at home. You could usually tap to the beat that they naturally created. That beat or rhythm is actually learned later on in different language arts classes. However, it’s never too early to show our children that certain forms of written words like poetry have a special pattern when read aloud. Before you know it, your children will soon pick out the rhyming words and be able to make up their own! Here are some simple, yet appealing nursery rhyme posters that anyone is sure to love.
  5. A calendar that is moveable and accessible to the child to play with. Many children witness adults using calendars whether it’s on your fridge, a wall, or even your phone. Calendars are something they will likely use as adults. Why not start early? Here is an example of one you could hang in their room!
  6. Let the child use empty food or drink containers during play. Remember reading the cereal box during breakfast when you were little even if you couldn’t read yet? Me too! Why stop at breakfast?! Kids love dramatic play areas with kitchens and accessories that support playing “house”. Using real life materials gives them incentive to learn what they are putting in their body in real life. ***** INSERT PICTURE?******
  7. A family menu board is another awesome tool to display print. My children love seeing the menu for the week. They enjoy planning and using it also helps adults stay organized! Here is a cool one:

Feel free to comment below if you are currently using one of these ideas in your own space, have another idea, or decided to implement one of these after reading this. And remember, keep on reading!!